Sunday, December 30, 2012
Kdo je drzitelem pravdy?..
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Kvóty určované EU jdou proti podstatě evropské integrace | -
Ivan Pilip decentně načrtl, v čem by mohlo pramenit (a dle mého názoru, také pramení) nevole některých lidí souhlasně pokyvovat na výmysli, které nám jsou českými médii servírovány. Je to onen deficit demokratického rozhodování a onoho postoupení návrhu od základu (členská země) nahoru do Evropy (evropská unie). Je to jeden z důvodů, proč někteří lidé evropskou unii nemusí a totiž, že si myslí, že Evropská unie pouze něco (většinou nesmyslného) nařizuje a "kecá nám tady do toho", aniž by věděla, jak to tady "u nás" vlastně chodí.
Dovolím si trošku odbočit od tématu kvót pro ženy. Pilipovo odhalení tohoto problému pokládám za jeden z pilířu změny Evropské unie (EU). K tomu bych rád dodal, že odmítat vše, co nám EU navrhuje, nebo o čem dokonce pouze přemýšlí, je naprosto dětinské. Místo toho abychom sami přicházeli s návrhy, či se zapojili do diskuze zrovna probíraných návrhu, dle vlastního pocitu stojíme bokem a pouze remcáme. Takovéto chování je vcelku nesnesitelné, jedná-li se o člověka. Jedná-li se o stát, máme se rozhodně za co stydět. A není to jenom naše politická reprezentace u které je nejedno politické faux pas na denním pořádku.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Smysl života jednotlivce..
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Are never easy when the decision is 'just' up to you. No matter if you need to decide what kind of ice cream your child gets or you want to change a law which will affect many people. Always there will be a moment when you will need to become the other one and imagine how 'the one' sees the situation. I mean, even if we ride a car, talk with somebody, or act in some way, we always need to think in more.. to include the thinking of others, therefore it can't be just us, but WE who will decide the final step. Would a man want to think only for him/herself, then a place,cut from society, is the best option.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
There must be..
A starting point.. you know, a place in time when u will say now.. it must be this weekend. It has to be, otherwise I will come to a dead end. I am physically prepared so only the will.. sorry.. the Will must be with me. Running, learning, relax, exercise, learning, thinking, cooking, that will be my Saturday. Question mark for Sunday, maybe a visit, maybe free day. But the massive learning kick off has to be this weekend. Howg
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Ahh.. again
Monday archery where I am not going today as we have promised to my sister to go with her for sushi. Weekend passed by so quickly that I did not even take time to learn for my history exam in November. Still the same and yet there is a change in the week's life circle. The life around us goes forward. Other countries current being, elections, school year, vacations, changes of all kind. Sometimes I wish I could stop the time, I could add a bit more to moments with my family and friends and take some from hard times. But it seems time is one of the tools helping us to understand how precious are the moments by doing them 'short' and not everlasting. Hold on can one say, but there is no time to hold on, life is changing to history in seconds and we can't stop it.
New kind..
Of happiness in my heart? We can call it the peaceful happiness. Like a settled one. My family, my wife and my son seem to be like a paradise island in the rough see. They are like my lighthouse. You know the feeling. Being proud of something or of somebody. Well being a lion I sit under the tree and happily yawn because it seems everything is as it should be.
I feel I got much more for luck and so in my hands compared to others. And I feel I need to pass that feeling on. To give the happiness to somebody else. Also because I wonder why me. I was (and I am not) an extraordinarily good boy, just the opposite, yet I feel piece by piece I am indeed very happy man.
Back again..
In work, in life?, among people I meet usually every day. Survived the day in the office after one week of vacation. Started to read a book from Erazim Kohák about green ethics. Environment and our morals, that what the book is about. I highly recommend the book to everybody who cares about life.. his or her own and the soul.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Přímá volba poslanců v zemi bez budoucnosti | - Komentáře
Po dvacetiletém procesu nadšení a z něj pramenícího zklamání a pohřbívání nejrůznějších politických stran přinesl letošní rok nový koncept s názvem měníme volební systém. Po překvapivém schválení přímé volby prezidenta se začaly rojit nápady, že by se dal změnit systém volby do parlamentu. Kolektivní paměť definitivně pohřbila zděšení z temných dob opoziční smlouvy, kdy se dvojice konceptuálních performerů Klaus & Zeman pokusila zavést většinový volební systém - a tak se nám tento nápad vrátil, coby řešení personálního problému, kdy sice máme demokracii, ale chybí nám demokrati.
Aby snad přece jen někdo nestrašil problematikou většinové volby, vznikla marketingová organizace “Přímá volba poslanců”, která má za úkol prodat staré řešení v novém obalu. Ten je postaven na předpokladu, že změníme systém a z nebe spadnout noví a lepší politici. A samozřejmě přestane existovat korupce.
Korupce však není problémem pouze nejvyšších pater politiky, korupce je prorostlá v samých základech české společnosti a začíná kupováním rozhodčích v nejnižších ligách českého fotbalu za basu piv, což vám potvrdí jakýkoli štamgast i té nejzapadlejší vesnické hospody.
Dokud nezačne vadit korupce lidem všude a nejen v těch nejvyšších politických patrech a dokud se nezvednou tisíce lidí od televizních gaučů, aby vstoupili do politických stran a začali něco reálně dělat, tak je naprosto irelevantní, v jakém volebním systému se pohybujeme.
Spousta energie se tak investuje do nové naděje na změnu systému a na konci celého procesu bude jako obvykle zklamání a kocovina z toho, že se v podstatě nezměnilo vůbec nic. Příznaky tohoto zklamání lze vidět už dnes a má podobu nadšeného přijetí této změny od ODS. Pokud někoho baví existence typu Pavel Drobil nebo Pavel Blažek, může se v budoucnu těšit na jednobarevnou vládu sestavenou z podobných karikatur.
Zavedení přímé volby prezidenta nám nepřineslo žádnou oslňující plejádu osobností, peleton vede bezvýrazný Fišer a na záda mu dýchá kandidát ruského Lukoilu, Miloš Zeman. Obávám se, že pokud zavedeme většinový systém, budeme sice jednotlivé kandidáty volit “přímo”, ale jejich výběr bude pořád tak nějak děsivě prázdný.
Veškerá pozornost a energie současnosti se zaměřuje na problém korupce, a hledání možných východisek a tak bohužel uniká pozornosti, že řešením malicherné současnosti zapomínáme na budoucnost, do které se Česká republika řítí.
Trvalá destrukce českého vzdělávacího systému na úrovni základních a středních škol, kterou temně ilustrují propady v žebříčcích mezinárodních srovnávacích studií, totiž znamená, že tuhle zemi čeká leda upevnění stávajícího postavení laciné montovny západní Evropy. V této budoucnosti nevzdělanců, kde má majorita problém pochopit psaný text - o čemž se již dnes můžete přesvědčit v libovolné diskuzi pod jakýmkoli článkem na českém internetu - je totiž úplně jedno, jaký volební systém v naší zemi bude.
Pokud se v poslední době někdy stalo školství reálným tématem, pak se jednalo buď o zpackané maturity, což je marginální problém, nebo o podporu učňovského školství na úkor všeobecného vzdělání. To je cesta, o které lze s jistotou prohlásit, že ještě žádnou zemi k prosperitě a růstu nedovedla. A určitě to není cesta, po které dojdeme k lepším politickým elitám nebo k politicky angažovaným občanům.
V českém diskurzu se jako obvykle řeší důsledky a ne příčiny. A tak zatímco v Německu si kvůli pochybnostem o vzdělání balí kufry ministři, v Česku můžete být klidně hejtmanem Jihomoravského kraje nebo primátorem Brna. A to je ostuda jako Brno. Problémem není volební systém a kupodivu jím není ani dalajlamismus. Míru vyspělosti každé země totiž neurčuje volební systém, ale zcela určitě je to její vzdělávací systém.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
I love..
The way the life goes..nobody knows what will happen in the next few moments.. we can just assume how the other folks will react. Everything is unknown ongoing surprise. Love my wife and son. God bless them and my friends, those past ones and people in my heart as well.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Midnight crises..
Friday almost three o'clock. The bed is poor, can't sleep on such pillow and moreover the thoughts whirling in my mind do not let me sleep. So many things I want to reach, so many goals set up in my mind. Finally finish bachelor, be good in work, earn so much that my own family can have a piece of bread on a dinners plate. But those are goals more professional than private. Be a good husband, loving father, sophisticated lover, magnificent person, write a book with kind of philosophy bases. And thoughts about what if.. I would have cancer as my parents did? How it would be then? What about Štěpánka and Šimon? Who will take care of them? Will they be able to visit me in hospital? Without any consequences? How about are other kids we would like to have? What about my job? Would I need to leave it? What about.. what if.. what what what??? Can't sleep as such thoughts are not easy to be handled well. The answers are to be found through experience, through the fact that if that will be my fate (and I rarely believe in fate) then only then I will get answers for my questions.
Outer shell..
Does not matter.. everything what matters is proved with deeds and time to time with words. I needed to realize this, some do not even think about it and just behave like there is nothing else more common. Me not. I need time to time remind that I am not better than anybody else, that I am not smarter or more handsome, or some other more.. no no no. There are only deeds which are truly the ones carving our person into a book of life.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Going on and off the..
Escalator in Prague's subway. What this has to do with ethics and freedom? Imagine that people are told to travel up the escalators while standing on the right side. The left side is used usually for those who walk the moving stairs up, although there is no information that the fact why the people need to stand on the right side. (and hold the trail) is because of the fact to have the left side free for the faster ones. What would happen if somebody would walk up the stairs on the left, stopped in the mid of the way up and just stand there. Is it ok unless somebody walks up?
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
everybody on their own..
Sunday, August 12, 2012
People other don't like some things or do like them. It seems to me that then it is just about finding arguments why they like them.. why would they try to thing about the cons of thinks/does which they like?
Feeling' good
Got Simon and took the tour for today's noon time. The sun is shining, the wind is blowing gentle summer breeze and I am everything just happy. I must say whatever happened to me in the past, I am a truly lucky man. Got a beautiful wife, got marvelous son and people who are living close to me or are close to my heart are the most marvelous human beings I have met (well true I would need to count also those who I dos not meet, but who did affect my life through words speaking from a list of a book. I also need to thank to my parents who gave me my social education and all the opportunities to enrich my wisdom with school, books and never-ending discussions. Hope my mother is doing well up there between the clouds with God and my father will live the live he ever wanted. It is such a nice feeling to be happy and to know that your life, the deeds you have made so far do count in the most-of-the-time chaotic universe (world, space.. life era)
Good to know
What is happening around us in the world.. guess we still don't fully recognize the advantage internet gave us compared to previous generations. Our world is more connected than ever before and truly we soon or later achieve a feeling that it in fact matters what is happening on the other side of the world.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Friday, June 8, 2012
We can be called by the nature (or human nature?) to do our deed of giving a birth to our son. Well of course that all will not be my job, I did mine nine months ago a that was so far my 10 seconds of glory. Now it is everything up to my beautiful wife and she is very brave for the whole time of her pregnancy. I am proud of her. So next week or the over next we will be a family of three members and to be honest with you I am pretty much looking forward. I know, first months it is a hard job (again the women take the turn) but my part comes along as well. Not soon, but raising a kiddo into this world, that is a challenge. So we start teaching him (yup its a boy) everything what he would need at some particular time..cant forget about morals (philosophy), politics (social science) and math. Those three are according to my opinion the most important. Well lets see what life (God?) has prepared for us..
Monday, May 21, 2012
Cracky balance..
Of democracy which works only if there are people willing to live under such idea. Take the fact that we rely on many things and do care about a little around us..we are consumers, clients, users, but usually not producers, there are only a few of them who do create products..what we usually do is to provide service..more and more machines do products and humans do service or take care of the machines, robots. Now where I am aiming? Imagine a 'crazy' (does not need to be crazy, it can be also a very intelligent person) decides to ruin the system..either of democracy or the way we live. Breivik tried to do that. Die Hard 4.0 tried to show us how it could look and I start to think it is not very difficult to do that. And I also guess that the border..the block that it will not be possible to do it is not in place. The only 'block' we have that we think only a crazy person would want to destroy our way of living, our values. Why? Because then the life would not be easy at all not even for the destroyer.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
Weekend's pleasure..
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Another bitter..
Day full of sun moreover I got some sickness so you can imagine how it is walking under the hot sun with temperature and a caugh. Well what can man do..until it starts to rain. Nice. A thought crosses my mind. Why why why I am taking shirt only and do have long sleeves made up to short ones? What do I want? If there is hot&dry I want rain,if there is rain I want hot. Nevermind. People always want what it is not available at the time being. And. With everything. People, things, feelings. But.. (but?) why not to start digging out what we (i myself,you yourself..) can do within our own body and mind borders. That should be the purpose of the life. To get properly know yourself and do your best in what your are best at. Correct? Agree? Instead of whining why I am not like him or her, why do I lack this and that I should start counting what do I have and in what I am better than the others. Life is trully short and there is no space for many changes. Therefore is much better to get yourself known and practice, gather experience and last but not least enjoy yourself,because if you are good at that thing, if you do master your skills you will enjoy the task because doing something in what we are really good at is a pleasure.
Monday, April 30, 2012
It is strange..
To complain all the time. Still if I do not complain loudly I do it within my brain. The summer arrived to Prague earlier than expected. Now it is the second day when we have a temperature high in heaven. And on those days I do tell myself how beautiful it would be to have a proper rain comming down. And I know that it there would be a row of days with rain comming down I would wish the sun would push the rainy clouds away again. I guess the same works with everything. Job, hobbies and last but not least..women. Well well well. It seems like the best in everything os the middle (golden) way. Not eaiting too much but also not eating at all. Not talking too much but also not being a silent bird. So we can say for these things we should not do them in a way of extremising the act itself. And there are other things where we apart from the said above try to give our best. Like in competitions or in our behaviour. Of course an athleet must excercise to give good results and he or she will excercise in a way of trying good and then a bit better. Why? 'Cause the body has its limits. Opposite that way of thinking is our behaviour. No matter what situation or time we shall give our best results. Wrongly said. There is no competition and we are not obliged to behave in a certain way (well we do in a society) but there is something called the moral aspect of an act. Lets say it is a mix of an idea turned into behaviour critisized (in a good or bad way) by others. It is true that no matter how we behave,such behaviour needs to be seen by somebody to judge. Or. Or? Yes. Bravo Socrates. He says through the pen of Plato (or Plato througb the mouth of Socrates?!) that there is always somebody to watch our deeds. Us. Our moral self-awarenes. Because there is an ongoing dialog in us..before we do something wr ask ourselves first for an opinion.
A lesson..
Of archery is something quite a wonderful and unique experience. Standing im front of a target,20,30,40,50 and so on meters (guess the olympionics have 18 with a really small target) thinking about the way how to shoot..not the fact that you shoot,but the way you do it. Once I read a book about a connection between japanese art of a bow and a sort of meditation. Trully there is only way shoot the arrow,BUT the way you shoot it starts at the very basic ground of the act itself. The body stand. The arms. Fingers. Neck. Elbows and even the face and the mind..well well of course there are many sports we can talk about the same and also the fans will tell me that this is not unique at all just for me it the very important you let the arrow that very particular moment your body gave the arrow all from the way of preparation. The mind switches of instantly. Someone would say wonderful (it seems to be a way of art,in the meaning american football is a way of being fast and strong) thanks to this I am travelling home with a peace in my mind (an idea worth spreading try to watch a movie called peaceful warrior..not the best movie ever and you can see similar plots in other movies as well,but in the time I wad watching it,it really caught my mind..for seconds)
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Is kind of an agreement between the two involved. Why agreement? Because they agree to behave in a certain way. Why two? Because it is common in european tradition to have monogamistic marriges between men and women. So far good. What will happen if one of the two will break the agreement? Punishment? Social punishment for sure. Maybe divorce,maybe something else. But is divorce taken as social punishment nowadays? Probably not a punishment anymore but something very common in our society. How does a man feels when he is married and the friends around him tell stories about dating women,getting them in bed,being free in matters of relationship. Well for that I have an answer right from my experience. It feels awkward becase he was used to do the same before the marriage and yes he misses it time to time,yet he knows what a precious woman he has at home and wants to show her his will (some would say commitment) to stay with her and her only. But is that a good thing? (for men)
Hot hot spring..
Came to Prague. People wearing shorts and shirts. Got to a point when I do not want to stand up from the bed. There is so much hot air without oxigen in the room that it makes me feel very sleepy. On the other hand I know I have to stand up,to go to work and to earn some pennies. The way to the bus station is good. Sun shines,wind blows,but once u enter the bus doors and you sit down it takes you back to the hot oven feeling. Of course,being on a park,laying on a blanket or grass and just relaxing under the sun with the wind blowing away the hotness,thats a moment everybody should experience.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Quite a long..
Time not having any thoughts written here. Moreover time passes by very quickly. Got an inner decision that having a major in applied ethics would be a nice fact. Reading through articles of Aristotle, Arendt Hannah, Platon, Kant and of course a bit of Nietzche I am finding out that a question what is good and what is bad is a real pain in the ass. Why? Pretty easy we do not have (and Kant did not help much in setting up an imperative, an objective rule which would decide what is good and what not.) When I got to this fact it appeared to me as a something worth spending my time on compared to other areas of my interest (history and languages).
Thursday, April 12, 2012
It hits..
Me when I think how people say something but their behaviour proves something different. I was thinking that many people nowadays (me included) are selfish although they say they are not. How come? Most of the people are unbelievable selfish when it is touching the question with whom they will spend their life. Contemporary idea is that you choose your partner for your life (of course you dont have to stay with your partner forever a simply divorce). We do not have (in the majority of west world) marriages agreed in a young age of both participants. Easy live your life but nobody will push you into living a life with somebody you dont want to. Question is was this 'possible' in the past? It just seems to me that all these thoughts about love which nowadays has the implications of being romantic (compared to the past) and we demand falling in love, being attracted to somebody even having a loving partner and a beautiful relationship for the whole time of being together. BUT thats apparently not how the reality works. Having struggles in place is common and we simply (yes it is simple if we count with that) need to solve them instead of leaving them behind unsolved and having a new partner instead.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Snow everywhere..pick your iglu and see the world around you (whats behind the iglu when you are in?)
Humans are strange animal beings with intentions, wishes, needs, plans, cravings and many other positions where they 'cooperate' with the world around them. Once they are in situation where two are left in a room and they do not like each other. They place a position from where they see 'some' perspective of the other one. (you can imagine that a castle on top of some mountain might look different from west and different from east, not mentioning south and nord) well and this positions wherd people ut themselves, these perceptions, angles from which they observe or action with the world around them are no always easy to change. I believe that some self reflection (the fact that we know what is our 'angle' now and why!) makes situations and social life easier (for all participants of any such situation)
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
To be correct
Just to be correct I shall publish that the previous post regarding the justice and ethics is gathered after listening to Mr. Michael Sandel's teachings at Harvard University related to Justice. As I personally believe that justice is part of ethics as ethics are part of justice so those Harvard classes arw pretty much enough interesting to dig down for some brain work and start thinking about the world around us. To give you another example which was used by Mr. Michael Sandel on bbc broadcast is if it is fair that wayne rooney earns 'a little bit more' than a care worker.
Monday, February 13, 2012
If I see a man standing on a bridge and below the bridge are 5 workers repairing the bridge and there is an uncontrolled car in direction to smash them so all would die..and if I would have a possibility to press a button so this one guy standing on the bridge would fall down,die but stop the car. 1 life for 5 lifes. Would that be the right thing to do? (sheep if you are reading this,you know what I mean..)
Made it..
So I made it. My school exam period is over and I passed all exams except psychology (i guess) which I will do in between the following semestre. My beautiful wife made a little celebration thing for us (her brother who also passed exams and me) and bought many kinds of cheeses. It was very kind of her. Taking the fact that I am in the next level finally I need to watch myself and keep focused. Hard exams are coming in and I just cant let me do them in the last possible moment. This week I need to visit library at least once and next one twice. To borrow the books and to start with the preparation for exams. Also my pfilosophy exam will be quite difficult. Quite a lot stuff to read and 'understand' well quite enough I already know what would be my bachelor study topic and how to continue in my studies. Just to pass the exams. I should be more thankful to God and my wife for all the support I received also from my co-workers.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Friday afternoon
Friday afternoon,the job is done. I would say quite a good week. We did many things and yet many stayed on the table waiting to be done. On Monday a correction of my psychology exam. Will need to prepare very well for this to pass it to the next semester. It is going on and on. It is not good to leave all the learning for the last moment before the exam. I should prepare continuously and be ready when the exam comes. So I have the whole weekend for this and I wish it will be enough and I will pass. Aaaand next weekend we plan to go to mountain. Friends from work,no wifes,no boyfriends. RELAX (tough it will be hard and we will come back dead tired)
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
This is not an experiment..trully when does my brain get what I need to do to pass exams? I need to reach the goal. I must!
Monday, January 30, 2012
Being afraid..
Not having success? Being refused? Being told I am doing things in a wrong way, that I am selfish that I do not think about others. Just not being perfect? But being perfect is not the goal. A human being is not perfect and does mistakes. That I need to accept. All those above as not an offense against me but a sign telling me something.
Again and again..
What is the task, what is the job..the immediate action..learning.. I mean how far can we go when we learn? Why do we (majority of us) avoid it? What is so (negative) difficult in learning if we learn the whole time? Is it the fact that we learn naturally but when we should learn something to school we 'must'?! do that in a not natural way? Like reading a book many times again and again till we know not only the sentences but alsi how they follow each other? And at the end is there a way of natural learning? To absorb the knowledge? To soak it in? To just let it become part of us?
Not only..
When we kill somebody or when somebody dies (meaning the society did not kill him) not only the body itself goes away but also all the thoughts, memories, all what has been hidden but could be done.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Smtg creative..
It came to me through a lot of discussions, that a human being needs to do something creative, this has more to do with today's living for an office rat. A job which we name for our clarification purposes as data input, which is a job where an employee does a job like a robot is something what cant be done for years.. But a position where such man or women is forced to use the brain and create something seems to be more enriching (rewarding).. Of course this is my opinion now and that can be changed in years
Filled with love..
Came back from Brussels and strange things were happening. Yesterday I felt so much in love with my wife as never before. Or probably even before but in a bit of different way. I just felt she is so beautiful, that she is good to me, that she smiles and cuddle to me.. She does that always just yesterday it came to me in my memories all in one and the whole day I was a bit 'out' meaning I was like looking from a different dimension yet soaked in the real world. That was a very nice feeling I had and I am thankful for that.
Monday, January 16, 2012
a little bit of joy..
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Same family,brother and sister,yet the approach, the way how they look at the world around, the rich and the poor (money level).. Difference. Where is the reason that the two are different? Education? The one in school, yes. The one in family? No. Different star sings, souls, gender? Yes. What is fair? Can we compare them? Can we say which one is happier? Can we say in which situations they are and why? Their social role? Their beliefs? Is there a system which would give them two (three, four....), which would offer them the same conditions? And is that good? Where it would lead?
Friday, January 6, 2012
Money = time for humanity
There is a certain level of life we want to live. I admit I like money. Not that I would be rich like hell, but to have a family house and a garden would be enough. For that level I need money. Also to have a job which would not be for eight hours. Why? To write. To read books. To teach at university. To be with my family. To create furniture from wood. To walk in nature. To live..
Meine Meinung nach.. I just think money is not part of the question (i dont dare to say I dont like money) it is matter of education. A proper education. Dunno why it seems to me that raising a kid with appropriate level of money leads to a healthy level of money need. I just (my experience) expect that somebody who did not have enough money to buy everything around and would see the connections between the true value of such think and the fact of need such thing from the wish to have it can be (probably partially) taught by the environment where there is just right amount of money.
Therefore I think in case I would have more money then I need (what is the right value?) I would save them or invest them, but I would not 'invest' them into my kid's not appriproate (what is appropriate and what not) wishes
Thursday, January 5, 2012
That information..
So here it is. My beautiful wife told me what we should become. A little boy. Finally the name is clear. I could see on her face she is happy but would be happier if it would be a girl. Well I promised her next time I will make her a little girl. I am really happy, thank God we have a baby and so far everything goes fine. Thanks
She knows that..
<p>My wife is becoming more and more beautiful. I would never think that somebody can be soo beautiful. She is becoming rounded as her tummy is getting bigger. The little kiddo growing inside is truly a marvel. She had her examination today and she texts that she knows the sex already. I dont want to know that, want to keep the idea it is a boy till the birth giving. Would not mind to have a girl, not at all. Just I am used from my own family where I am the older brother that I am taking care of my 'little' sister though she is already a grown up. Well we will see what God prepared for us. Wonder if the little one has a soul already. Did she (the soul) found our baby now? (refering to voros oroszlan)