Sunday, August 31, 2008

good for your soul..

i would so much like to tell you what is good for our souls, unfortunately i am not you and you are not me.. i would so much like to tell you how to love but i am not you and you are not me.. thus do not think that all the ways you can see are the right ways of living.. find your own way.. do not agree with the dictation of someone else's words.. do not agree with the dreams of your friends.. i know they are great and you love them, i love them too, but their dreams are not my dreams.. find yourselfs in the very depth of your soul.. find there the answers which way you should take, find them and trust them. trust your own soul, your ownr steps, your own deeds. take your life into your hands, just do not give up, live!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

empty words..

listening to jazz music, imagining countries far away hidden in the star dust.. places full of flowing rivers, floating clouds all in very different shapes, some of them full of water, those are dark blue colored and soon the rain will fall from them towards the brown soil, touching also the green, red and yellow leaves.. forest covered with morning fog and lakes with many birds..

down there on the forest coast, there is a wooden house.. solid gallery covered by the house roof.. very morning, and my love is sitting there.. in her silk-soft hand is a paintbrush and before her a white canvas.. on her face a content smile full of love.. she is doing her magic again.. enriching my life, giving me everything what i ever wanted.. somebody so beautiful, marvelous and kind that you think that she is not real.. to be honest, she is an angel, a fairy who came here to show me the beauty of life, well hidden before my eyes..

why wait? why postpone the sweet words i would like to tell her? why should i wait for the moment when i will have the courage?.. no, do it now.. do it when you feel it.. do not postpone your life.. time is cruel.. do.. live!!

Friday, August 29, 2008

cant sleep..

.. saturday very morning.. friday night couldnt fall asleep. imagine the driest desert on earth.. the soil is cracky like old almost destroyed skin.. the holy angel, the rainy cloud is far away and you would soo much like to get at least a drop.. just one water drop and i would again get green..
today i realized how much, even if we would like to be in charge over our lives.. how much the fate of others can determine our next steps.. life is not constant but moving, changing, growing and dying.. with every moment which passed by.. what is done cannot be changed.. and still we are angry, upset, we hurt our beloveds, we cry for such silly things.. uhum.. for sure, we survive but for what price?

thank you my angel, you are the water for my dry soil, with you i grow!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

where is the line..

following sentences are completely personal.. where is the line between good and bad? where is the freedom? who said that i should do things as everybody does? what's truth? did we really got our lifes to spend them in the whirl of the society? to earn money for the state? to earn money for the war planner and their bombs? to earn money for us, to be able to buy the fuckin' packed water because the water in the rivers is terribly dirty? where the footprint of our lifes will stay, if we will just live for this things? where we leave our mark, if we will just be born, consentingly give our life's to the society machinery and then die with empty heart? come on people, open your eyes, you have just this life, live the life deeply, passionately, wisely, openly, with love.. just live, do not survive, live!

explore yourself..

just a thought about a loooong 3 months trip crossed my mind. just to pack the most needed things, tent, sleeping bag and leave.. leave the city, go across europe, alone, just me, the sun, the moon and my thoughts.. to explore myself, to find the matter, to know what is hidden there in the very deep of me.. to experience rough times - no rough times as "ou shit, my bank account is without a cent again" or "to wake up at 6, go to work, spend there 8 hours, which is almost a half of the day and then live my life.." no, something must be wrong..

Saturday, August 23, 2008

feel free..

we shouldnt be much concerned about the history, not science history, about the personal history. we cannot change things which happened already and the breeze of time roll them away. we can take the lesson from the past, we can look back but do not forget that we are living now.. right now, nothing stops.. the time river flows
neither history nor the future.. the present is the most precious for us. if you feel something very urgent in your hearts.. do it.. do it know!

mind, soul and body

just thinking about the three instances.. mind, soul and body. to which instance.. matter should human listen? whom is the conscience responsible? do you have taste for something? chocolate, kiss, love? will you take it as it is, or will you think about the consequences? mind let you think about it, body wants it, soul maybe tells you something different.

do we listen what we want? what we want if we have many sides of passion, appetence? how should i behave? where is the truth? is it in the sun shining on the sky? or the moon taking care about our dreams?

fact no.2

nope.. my english is not perfect and i do not own any of the thoughs above, but this is my perception.. this is how i see the world, this is what i think is good

fact no.3

just listen.. listen to the morning breeze, listen to the morning dew.. listen to your heart, listen to your friends.

do not put your life into a paper box with your name, open the box and share your life with everyone.. happiness only when shared!!

fact no.1

everything is full of love