Thursday, March 25, 2010

leaving my body..

there was a very nice moment described in one episode of Animatrix (ANIMATRIX: World record). This episode describes how in extreme situations we are loosing our senses, we are, I would say, leaving our body, pain is not anymore a problem, we breathe in and out as it is needed, with so much oxigen in our veins we make the brain a bit apathetic. In this state, I do not count seconds, time does not exists for me (though it must exists, because without time, there is no movement), world becomes blurry and the only important thing, center point is me. The whole day we do focus ourselfs out, in these precious moments I focus myself in. Such feeling is giving me freedom, is making me feel cozy, is letting thoughts burried with trash coming in throughout the day coming up on the surface where I can pick the up and play with them.

If you are not sure what I am talking here about, check this Animatrix: World record eposode out

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

frozen face, sweaty pants and snow all over..

after a looong time, there was finally made a trip to mountains, to take out our cross country skies. A beautiful chance to take few special people, two cars, several bottles of moravian wine and on Friday afternoon say bye to the life in czech republic capital. Two cars, two racing pilots, one car without any map, the other one with a map older than my own grandpa. Way to Krkonose mountains was really everything, except smooth. At one time we took a wrong turn and instead of enjoying speed on highway we did a visit of a city Jicin (old and quite famous czech city). When we came back on highway, our second racing car (which was behind us before we took the wrong turn) was further on their way to the mountains.
Fortunately, they got lost with their special map, so we got in front of them again and were ruling the race till the end. When we arrived to Krkonose mountains, we were struggeling to let our luggages be picked up and taken up to the mountain (6km straight up to the mountain). Again, luck was on our side and a snowmobile took our luggages and then another one picked us in the middle of walking up. Usually, such snowmobiles needs to be paid with extra fee, but in time we arrived, the country house we supposed to sleep in had problems with their snowmobile, which made such a chaos in communication that at the end, we were delivered to our country house for free.
Having there hot tea and some of us warm soup, prepared us for bed after such racing time. Early in the morning (8am) a breakfast was prepared. We eat everything we could and dressed up for a day spent on cross country skies. What a marvelous time. The weather was not so great, but skiing in a nature, having good time in country houses offering delicous lunch was just marvelous experience. Using the second part of day to search for 'normal' ways instead of high hills and loong downs made us ready for dinner in our country house. After dinner we enjoyed an extra session of Activity game played till late night. After midnight we jumped to beds and slept again till our breakfast time. Weather of our second day was just perfect, sun and no falling snow. We used that day to ski with my friend Peter to the highest mountain in Czech Republic, Snezka. To get there was an olympic effort, as the wind which blows around Snezka is playing with your bodies like you would not weight a kilo. On our way back from Snezka, we stopped by Lucni Bouda (another country house) and had unbelievable delicious lunch. I also ordered a ginger tea. I liked that tea so much, that I tried to write down all ingredients we could recognize. I believe the tea is done so that you take ginger, peel it, grate it and pour it with hot water (like a classic tea), together with the ginger you also put to a cup pieces of apple, orange, blueberries, plum and lemon. Actually, you put there everything you find at your place and you might like in the tea.
Strengthened, we made our way back to Dvorska Bouda, which was the country house we lived in. We packed and waited for another snowmobile to take our luggages down. Part of our expedition walked down, another part, Peter and me took the skies and slided the mountain down in a bit faster way we expected. At the end, all of us met down the mountain, jumped to cars and in a chilled out manner we travelled to Prague, to slowly soak in our city lifes.

Here you can see photos from our artic Krkonose expedition

Sunday, March 14, 2010

symfonie chutí z východu..

čtvrtek večer, jaro je za dveřma, ale studený vítr nehledí ani na jaro, ani na počet vrstev oblečení. Stanice metra Staroměstka, noční Praha, cesta vede kolem městké knihovny a Karolina až ke Karlovu mostu. Nechceme se prodírat davy turistů, vydáváme se směrem Národní divadlo, pěkně po nábřeží. Ulice Karolíny Světlé, tam je náš cíl, tam se večer odehraje symfonie chutí.
Vstupujeme do ART-cafe u Irmy, kde nás víta milá obsluha s ruským přizvukem a další dva návštěvníci. Sedneme si na gauč a do rukou dostaneme jídelní lístek. Nataliya, milá holka z Ukrajiny, která mi dnes večer dělá společnost, rozvine rozhovor s naší obsluhou a já nemám ponětí, zda-li mluví o zimním počasí na jaře, nebo o volbách na Ukrajině. Výsledek rozhovoru je mi oznámen v češtině, nedá se platit kartou. Domlouváme se tedy s obsluhou, že si půjdeme vybrat peníze z ATM, zatímco oni nám připraví objednané pochutiny. Čachochbili a Chačapuri. Vydáváme se opět do náruče chladného večera. Po chvilce najdeme ATM a ždímáme z něj hotovost.
Když ten večer vstupujeme do ART-cafe už podruhé, máme celý prostor pro sebe, obsluha nám nabídne červené víno, které s jemností nájemního vraha zabíjí Vaše mozkové buňky po miliónech, zatímco se Vám na jazyku rozestře jemně trpká zemitá chuť Gruzínského vína. Už se nemůžeme dočkat na hlavní chod večera, Nataliyi přinesou Chačapuri, gruzínský chleba, který je rozhodně blízkým známým chleba tureckého. Vypadá jako tlustý pita chléb, a Chačapuri v podstatě znamená, že Vám chleba naplní různými druhy sýrů a pomažou máslem. Přede mne postaví talíř s Čachochbili a teplým gruzinskym chlebem. Čachochbili jsou velké kousky krásně do měkka uvařeného kuřecího masa v omáčce z rajčat, cibule a koření jako petržel a paprikou.
Teď si to vše poskládejme dohromady, chladný večer, příjemná kavárna s výborným jídlem, které uspokojí vaše tajné přání po skutečné dobrém jídle a krásná žena, to vše ukončené láhví dobrého červeného vína. Prostě, symfonie chutí z východu.


Jelikož jsem byl z jídla opravdu nadšen, přemluvil jsem Nataliyi ať mi prozradí jak se Čachochbili dělá u nich doma. Bohužel, vše co jsem si zapamatoval bylo brutálně smazáno v rudé barvě gruzínského vína a mě nezůstalo nic jiného, než si recept na Čachochbili vyhledat. Tak tedy

1,5 kg kuřete
100 g másla
1 kg cibule
2 velké kousky rajčete
1 velká sladká paprika (kápie)
4 polevkové lžíce rajčatové pasty
půlka pálivé čili papričky

Rozpustit máslo na pávni a přidat na malé kousky nakrájenou cibuli. Vařéme asi tak půl hodiny na mírném plameni, je důležité cibuli nesmažit, ale opravdu vařit v másle dozlatova. Mezitím si můžeme nakrájet kousky kuřecího masa a jakmile je cibule hotová, přidat ho na pánev a zvýšit plamen. Za častého míchání teď už smažíme maso dokud je hotové. Oloupeme si rajčata a nastrouháme je. To samé uděláme s očištěnou kápií a čili papričkou. Poté přidáme vše společně s rajčatovým pyré na pánev. Mícháme a až je zelenina hotová, přidáme sůl.
Nakrájíme petržel, koriandr a česnek na malé kousky a se špetkou soli rozdrtíme v moždíři. Vzniklou směs přidáme na pánev, promícháme, přivedeme k varu a hned poté dáváme pryč z plotny.
Podáváme vždy s čerstvým chlebem.

Monday, March 8, 2010

overall restart..

I dont know where I got. I do not recognize it here, I do not know myself. Somewhere I took a darkish road and I do not remember where, I do not like this place, I do not like the fact that I do not know what is happening, where I am and in what I've changed. Looking in the mirror and the face comes to be the same as before, but under the face, my thoughts, my will and my soul were changed. Intentionaly? I can ask myself many times a questions why I did some steps, while all the warning signs were blinking and whisteling, obviously telling me not do walk this way. No, stubborn Michal, stubborn man, you just go straight instead of stopping yourself for a while and focus. Do not you remember? She was telling it to you so many times and you still did not take a hint? To be focused. That's what about this is. To be focused, not to fly over, but to sink deep, to stop and feel instead of going there and back without any result. And now, you are here, at this place, you do not like it, you ask yourself why you let this happen and there is no way back. Life continues like there would not be any changes, the time does tick tack, tick tack and does not take in consideration that some of us are trying to solve their own rubik's cubes.