time to time, it seems to me, that to take into account all circumstances, leads to a very difficult answer. If there is a problem, the best think I guess will be to split the problem into more parts, solve each part separately and then come to an conclusion which would make sense for the whole problem.
thus if I think about world, I can't think about Africa, South America, China, but probably I should take into account Europe only. Of course, all the countries are so linked together today, writing a map of all connections takes ages, so even if I would take Europe only, I will also take into account part of these connections.
Some might not like me, but I find some actions of the world (Europe) pathetic and hypocritical. Don't get me wrong, I do believe in altruism, and I would say, I am a philanthrope. But (yeah.. a BUT) how we (Europe) can advice (please, do not mistake with giving help) others, if our conditions are not breathtaking. Also in the "real world" you would not take advice how to earn money from somebody whose account is always in debt.
So, from a common sense, we should firstly clean the mess in front of our doors and then to move to a house next..
political culture in Prague? same case, corruption, pollution of dirty ideas and headlong actions. does anybody think there? I can't believe my eyes when reading a study from a acknowledged think thank about path how to restructure the current situation in Czech Republic, about the possibilities waiting to be used. No, our politicians loftily take the studies and arrogantly throw them through a window..
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