Friday, July 22, 2011

svatba se blíží..

všechny nápady, na kterých jsme se se skoroženou shodli stojí a padají na jednom. Svatba musí být venku, nejlépe na nějakém statku. Hosté přece nebudou zavřeni v nějaké restauraci, kde se jako předkrm bude podávat šunková rolka. Tedy, statek.
Už jste někdy zkoušeli narvat realitu do tak trochu směle vytvořeného nápadu? Zrovna lehké to vskutku není. Sehnat takový statek, někde na pomezí Žďáru nad Sázavou a Novým Městem na Moravé, je zrovna jedna z takových činností.
Někdy si říkám, že nic takového není a jednoduše přicházím s řešením typu, postavíme velký stan na louce a ať si každý dělá co chce, nebo, že svatbu prostě zrušíme, nebo proč že vlastně máme krmit stádo vyhládlých hostů?
Ten nápad není vůbec špatný. Bude-li hezké počasí, mít svatbu pod otevřeným nebem, kde se děti můžou těšit z bzučícího hmyzu a dospělí budou zakusovat opekající se prasátko a zapíjet jej vychlazeným pivem, labužníci dobrým vínem. Do toho hosté přivezou to co napekli, či navařili oni sami a podělí se tak s ostatními o jejich netradiční (mnohdy i tradiční) recepty.
Navíc, místo, kde se hostina koná je hony vzdálené od města a když už je tedy svatba v sobotu, proč nepřespat a neudělat si v neděli výlet do nedalekých lesů, či prostě a jednoduše, zabalit rockpillars a vylézt nějakou tu menší skalku (bez těch kytek)

ne, zatím se nic takového nekoná.. čeká se, vyčkává se, detektivní práce pokračuje, místo, kde by se konala hostina a které by zároveň nebylo vzdálené celodenní jízdou od kostelíka v Obyčtově, se zdá pro zatím být jakousi fata morganou

can't think globally..

time to time, it seems to me, that to take into account all circumstances, leads to a very difficult answer. If there is a problem, the best think I guess will be to split the problem into more parts, solve each part separately and then come to an conclusion which would make sense for the whole problem.
thus if I think about world, I can't think about Africa, South America, China, but probably I should take into account Europe only. Of course, all the countries are so linked together today, writing a map of all connections takes ages, so even if I would take Europe only, I will also take into account part of these connections.
Some might not like me, but I find some actions of the world (Europe) pathetic and hypocritical. Don't get me wrong, I do believe in altruism, and I would say, I am a philanthrope. But (yeah.. a BUT) how we (Europe) can advice (please, do not mistake with giving help) others, if our conditions are not breathtaking. Also in the "real world" you would not take advice how to earn money from somebody whose account is always in debt.
So, from a common sense, we should firstly clean the mess in front of our doors and then to move to a house next..

political culture in Prague? same case, corruption, pollution of dirty ideas and headlong actions. does anybody think there? I can't believe my eyes when reading a study from a acknowledged think thank about path how to restructure the current situation in Czech Republic, about the possibilities waiting to be used. No, our politicians loftily take the studies and arrogantly throw them through a window..

Friday evening..finally

the whole week, I was not able to stop by in our kitchen and cook something for myself. Not that I would not have time, I just did not go to kitchen, somehow strange. Ate all possible kinds of food, pizza, business lunch, lunch paid by company, lunch from my colleagues, lunch such as chocolate cakes and choco-capuccino.
Finally Friday, bought some French fries, egg-plant and made some quite delwicious dinner. Drank some proseco and my almost-wife is doing (right now) our library cleaning. Why? After many months (since February) we have a library installed in the flat. It looks incredible, instead of kicking, falling, slipping on books just next to your bed (so when you wake up, you step into book piles), now books are nicely fitted in the library.
A Music Geek. She truly is a music geek. 99.9% of the books in the library are books about music, operas, different styles, Mozart, baroque music and so on. Missing my Dostojevskij, Umberto Eco, Davies, Robert Kagan, Jacque Le Goff and other books which are in my sister's cellar (could not have them fit in our little flat)
One week after vacation. I have survived, I thought it would be a mess in the office, that once I will come there, I will get a heart attack, but suprisingly, it was very smooth and nice start into the time "after vacation"
Greece will meet the bankruptcy, but in a regulated way. The EU finally leaked some more specified steps, how they will save Greece. Two funny things crossed my mind. If they would let Greece for breakdown, the recovery period would be probably 7 years. As they will "save" Greece in the way they plan (banks will pay part of Greece's debts), the recovery is probably to be prolonged to 21 years. Nice way how to "raise" EU being "competitive" (China and India, might be the right time to show teeth and roll over old "wise" continental lady Europa

does life make sense? who knows, we live, eat, smell, see, hear.. some of us even think.. for what? eat more? see more? destroy more? somewhere you can read, that all of us have a purpose, a reason why they are here.. (number of living people is raising dangerously up) some of us think, that they know the reason and they behave so, to fulfill it (call it destiny?)
my wedding will be in autumn this year, a baby might come later on, a house with a tree in the garden, a swing hanging from the limb, kitchen with a big window where sun will shine when my wife will cook, Sunday dinners when all family members must sit at the table 6 o'clock latest and my wife will serve the food. Secret games, letters and hidden treasures thought up in the nights with my wife and then act as pirates for our kids, who will need to find the treasure. Reading books for my own studies, but also for good night of my kids. Herbaceous tee drank by the fire and played games such as Citadela, Dominion, Bang! and others. Saturday morning spent in the house's workshop working with wood. Good lunch in the garden, summer's trips to mountains or lakes. Kisses. Books. Good heart. Friends. And time to time regrets as surely, some mistakes in my life leave scars which can't be undone.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

news over past weeks

I took a break and went to Ukraine, spent there camping on the mountains and going through the forest jungle over a week. It was a marvelous experience, moreover when we wanted to climb the highest mountain (which is not that hight at all) but we could not as the weather conditions forced us to take a step back and from the top of the most eastern part of former Czechoslovakia down to a nearest village where we dried up all our clothes which soaked in all the water from the whole Ukraine. Not important, but very nice.. we have survived
Came back to Prague and bought a weekly magazine, not being in a civilization over a week can make wonders. Have read about European crisis, upcoming NATO breakdown, Greece crushdown which would be probably followed by Spain, Portugal and with a question mark on Italy and Ireland.
I cannot understand our politicians, whose, currently are in the middle of obvious corruption scandals, newspapers front pages are full of big letters coming with investigations and other "proofs" which could lead to head-cutting of few (could say a bit more than few) politicians.
Their programs with high moral standards how they will clean the politics from corruption are followed with actions as "cleaning corruption with more corruption". Dunno if this will work, I believe the people will soon come with fast solution. If everybody will close the eyes in front of such scandals, the politicians will feel no guilt and such behaviour will continue.
People need to raise their voices, vox populi, which will show that the current practice are not the ones to be followed.
One more thing at the end, in one month a wedding of mine will be here, still not found a place where we will have the food ceremony, still crossing fingers we will find something suitable for our dreams. Love is a wonder and have many shapes, thanks to my friends and soulmates, I still wonder about life.. finding answers which brings more questions