I believe many from us do see things. Do see the nature around us, do see the words written in a book, do see the moving clouds on the blue heaven sky. Also many of us do read books, do write poems, do work hard, do talk and eat, do lost and search and find again. We all do that. And here is my question, do we really understand what is going on around us? If we read a book, can we read in between the sentences? Do you put a spoon full of delicous food and stop yourself? Do you think how nice it feels when you bounce the food on your tongue, when you feel your eagerness to swallow it, but you don't, because everybody can fills their stomach with food, but how does it taste, not many of us do care. I do not want any comparison between McDonald's food and French cousine (why did I mentioned french? and even put a capital 'F'? of, society society, what do you do with me?), only want to mention, that without understanding we might live our lifes in a poor way.
Telling somebody that you love him has many ways of expression. There certainly is a power hidden in words. As you know, everybody can hurt you with words (here an ego plays a big and bigger role than you would expected). But here is my soulmate, my true friend. And altough I was not reading books she did read, mainly because they are in language I did not master yet (never ever?!) and here she is, providing me a bridge over the river, putting brick after brick, maybe not building he bridge for me, but at least she is one of the architects a very good one. God gives the ability, but the will and the faith must come out within us. And here she is, talking to me from distance and still I can 'hear' her so close. It is like somebody is talking inside of your heart, somebody whom you can't pretend you are somebody else, you can't play being macho or just not caring about things, you are naked, honest and read-through. And it is sooo good. Trully, you who do not know what I am talking about will understand once, I trully belive so, as there is always a way, time flows and we get old, but if we listen, if we stop ourselfs and instead of using our brain, trying to understand mechanics and why and when, just let the world in. Breathe the beauty inside to your soul, let it whirl there and breathe out a silent thank you. Because we might think we master the world, we might think we have everything under control, man kind usually tend to do that, but we are so foolish with that, lying to ourselfs instead of letting the better from us go out, shine through our chest and cheer ourselfs..
hope my dear friend, my soulmate will understand why do I copy her words here. They are not so much connected with my words above and yet, they are the basis of everything what I said. Might confuse you and take you in other direction, but trully, as she told me, open your heart and your inner eyes will understand the words below in many other perceptions..
(My soulmate's interpretation of a hungarian writer Muller Peter; Hungarians have two (and I believe even more) words for love)
"Muller Peter points out the differences between love (szerelem) and love (szeretet) and it kinda opened my eyes...he says:
the szerelem is burning, the szeretet knows about responsibility
the colour of szerelem is redish (flame red) the colour of szeretet is the deeper bordeau
the szerelem lives under the belly (where the sexual organs are) the szeretet lives in the heart
the szerelem without wisdom can be destroying like the fire
the szerelem ends where the marriage begins...where the kids are born, the szeretet is the base of an enduring unity...
I need to be able to love even by letting it go...it can..it WILL stay in my heart forever but I must not be sad about something that is so joyful...the love...the love once experienced lives there in everything from then on...in a glance for the snowflakes, in the cold wind on my cheek while going to church in the morning, in the voice of the old grandma singing the Xmas psalms, in the green leave of the Xmas tree, in the gleams of the stars, in the gentle breeze over the summer fields, in the fluffy cloud traveling lonely on the blue sky, it is there in the monoton sound of the machines, it is there in the singing of the birds, it is there in a delicious lunch, in the laughs of the children...in the cozy armchair, in the fur of your favourite dog...it is there...everywhere you look, and then you're heart knows...you are never alone...this love you experienced is always with you..."
p. s. My dear friend, I trust you and forever will, I trully apologize to share your wisdom with the world, but I feel, many people, if ever they will read this, might understand that I could not let this be hidden between us. It can serve as the key to open many eyes and thats mainly thanks to You. Hope I'll be forgiven for this..