somewhere in there.. there hidden in our soul's core are little drops dropping to our brains when we dream.. mixed with our experiences and many wishes it creates a story, a story which is easily fast forgotten when we wake up. some of us are able to keep the "memory" of the story and share it with others, or remark it somewhere on a piece of paper.
I am not one of those..
my dreams are by rule hidden under the sweet blanket of night and are kept there, forgotten.. only a very small background is written into me.. I call it the dreamtale.. something what let you know that you dreamt in that night, but what will probably not show the whole picture of your story.
dreams in all are very nice, sometimes very scary things.. some of us see future in them, some of us chew the facts which happened in the day in dreams and then, when the morning come, they may bring a solution to something what "bothered" them.
I am very pleased by fate that I have met somebody who used the dreams to live.. a dreamy person I used to call her.. this little spark, that she was able to bring her dreams into a reality was a very nice feature.. it was something what very few of us can do and it is truly a blessing..
I am not a dreamy person, I wished to be, but I am not. Many deeds I am doing are based on pure brain.. of course, I do have feelings, I do have empathy, I like and dislike, but the decisions I make are mostly based on pure facts.. are taking pros and cons and yet as this brings me joy, it brings me exactly what my brain needs.. an order, a nice line of life.. it does not compensate the feeling of having your dreams led your life line somewhere.. I do not think being a puppet of your dreams, but it is very close to the meaning.
I admire people who can do that.. I am too scared of being taken by my dream master (soul?) and live.. someone would tell me (and I know who would tell it) that I am a coward and truly in this I am.. hard to tell where I am taking the courage to run my life as I want, to keep the laces of the life horses fast in my hands. It is a two approach phenomenon.. brain or dream? or mixing up those two? I dunno..
Descartes would come with brain only, Kant mixing up both of them.. who would be the one having the dreams only? Nietzsche? Probably Péter Müller.. a Hungarian "philosopher"..
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