Sunday, February 19, 2012

Snow everywhere..pick your iglu and see the world around you (whats behind the iglu when you are in?)

Humans are strange animal beings with intentions, wishes, needs, plans, cravings and many other positions where they 'cooperate' with the world around them. Once they are in situation where two are left in a room and they do not like each other. They place a position from where they see 'some' perspective of the other one. (you can imagine that a castle on top of some mountain might look different from west and different from east, not mentioning south and nord) well and this positions wherd people ut themselves, these perceptions, angles from which they observe or action with the world around them are no always easy to change. I believe that some self reflection (the fact that we know what is our 'angle' now and why!) makes situations and social life easier (for all participants of any such situation)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

To be correct

Just to be correct I shall publish that the previous post regarding the justice and ethics is gathered after listening to Mr. Michael Sandel's teachings at Harvard University related to Justice. As I personally believe that justice is part of ethics as ethics are part of justice so those Harvard classes arw pretty much enough interesting to dig down for some brain work and start thinking about the world around us. To give you another example which was used by Mr. Michael Sandel on bbc broadcast is if it is fair that wayne rooney earns 'a little bit more' than a care worker.

Monday, February 13, 2012


If I see a man standing on a bridge and below the bridge are 5 workers repairing the bridge and there is an uncontrolled car in direction to smash them so all would die..and if I would have a possibility to press a button so this one guy standing on the bridge would fall down,die but stop the car. 1 life for 5 lifes. Would that be the right thing to do? (sheep if you are reading this,you know what I mean..)

Made it..

So I made it. My school exam period is over and I passed all exams except psychology (i guess) which I will do in between the following semestre. My beautiful wife made a little celebration thing for us (her brother who also passed exams and me) and bought many kinds of cheeses. It was very kind of her. Taking the fact that I am in the next level finally I need to watch myself and keep focused. Hard exams are coming in and I just cant let me do them in the last possible moment. This week I need to visit library at least once and next one twice. To borrow the books and to start with the preparation for exams. Also my pfilosophy exam will be quite difficult. Quite a lot stuff to read and 'understand' well quite enough I already know what would be my bachelor study topic and how to continue in my studies. Just to pass the exams. I should be more thankful to God and my wife for all the support I received also from my co-workers.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday afternoon

Friday afternoon,the job is done. I would say quite a good week. We did many things and yet many stayed on the table waiting to be done. On Monday a correction of my psychology exam. Will need to prepare very well for this to pass it to the next semester. It is going on and on. It is not good to leave all the learning for the last moment before the exam. I should prepare continuously and be ready when the exam comes. So I have the whole weekend for this and I wish it will be enough and I will pass. Aaaand next weekend we plan to go to mountain. Friends from work,no wifes,no boyfriends. RELAX (tough it will be hard and we will come back dead tired)