Thursday, September 15, 2011

whats the next "goal"?

Lately (past 5 months) I was taking care of preparations.. wedding preparations and it is over now. I have felt like one thing I was working on for such a long (truly only preparations, so don't take me wrong, I do not feel I have done my job as a husband.. that's a long time run) time, and now I feel like I need to set up another goal.. like working on something.. like to create an adventure

Thursday, September 8, 2011

what does God think about mistakes?

how should I feel when doing mistakes? and then how should I feel when I did mistakes which can't be taken back? and I have closed one door forever however I my heart tells me I should not have it done? Life is a strange line going up and down left and right, line which comes with small pieces of joy, sadness, worries and thinking. Question is, does the society, our culture help us understand the secret of our life, or does it make it even harder? I am thinking what would happen to a human being if there would not be any culture (meaning habits, language, etc..) it would become an animal.. so, without our culture, our language.. without those things what we have invented/created, we are still animals.. thinking animals..
truly language forms our brain, more languages you know, I believe, more structured your thinking is (take it as something positive).